Seastar’s programming model, using futures and continuations, is very powerful and efficient. However, as we’ve already seen in examples above, it is also relatively verbose: Every time that we need to wait before proceeding with a computation, we need to write another continuation. We also need to worry about passing the data between the different continuations (using techniques like those described in the Lifetime management section). Simple flow-control constructs such as loops also become more involved using continuations. For example, consider this simple classical synchronous code:
std::cout << "Hi.\n";
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
sleepstd::cout << i << "\n";
In Seastar, using futures and continuations, we need to write something like this:
std::cout << "Hi.\n";
return seastar::do_for_each(boost::counting_iterator<int>(1),
boost::counting_iterator<int>(4), [] (int i) {
return seastar::sleep(std::chrono::seconds(1)).then([i] {
std::cout << i << "\n";
But Seastar also allows, via seastar::thread
, to write
code which looks more like synchronous code. A
provides an execution environment where
blocking is tolerated; You can issue an asynchronous function, and wait
for it in the same function, rather then establishing a callback to be
called with future<>::then()
::thread th([] {
seastarstd::cout << "Hi.\n";
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
seastarstd::cout << i << "\n";
A seastar::thread
is not a separate
operating system thread. It still uses continuations, which are
scheduled on Seastar’s single thread (per core). It works as
The seastar::thread
allocates a 128KB stack, and runs
the given function until the it blocks on the call to a
future’s get()
method. Outside a
context, get()
may only be
called on a future which is already available. But inside a thread,
calling get()
on a future which is not yet available stops
running the thread function, and schedules a continuation for this
future, which continues to run the thread’s function (on the same saved
stack) when the future becomes available.
Just like normal Seastar continuations, seastar::thread
always run on the same core they were launched on. They are also
cooperative: they are never preempted except when
blocks or on explicit calls to
It is worth reiterating that a seastar::thread
is not a
POSIX thread, and it can only block on Seastar futures, not on blocking
system calls. The above example used seastar::sleep()
, not
the sleep()
system call. The seastar::thread
function can throw and catch exceptions normally. Remember that
will throw an exception if the future resolves with
an exception.
In addition to seastar::future::get()
, we also have
to wait without fetching
the future’s result. This can sometimes be useful when you want to avoid
throwing an exception when the future failed (as get()
does). For example:
<char> getchar();
futureint try_getchar() noexcept { // run this in seastar::thread context
= get_char();
future fut .wait();
futif (fut.failed()) {
return -1;
} else {
// Here we already know that get() will return immediately,
// and will not throw.
return fut.get();
After we created a seastar::thread
object, we need wait
until it ends, using its join()
method. We also need to
keep that object alive until join()
completes. A complete
example using seastar::thread
will therefore look like
#include <seastar/core/sleep.hh>
#include <seastar/core/thread.hh>
::future<> f() {
seastar::thread th([] {
seastarstd::cout << "Hi.\n";
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
seastarstd::cout << i << "\n";
return do_with(std::move(th), [] (auto& th) {
return th.join();
The seastar::async()
function provides a convenient
shortcut for creating a seastar::thread
and returning a
future which resolves when the thread completes:
#include <seastar/core/sleep.hh>
#include <seastar/core/thread.hh>
::future<> f() {
seastarreturn seastar::async([] {
std::cout << "Hi.\n";
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
seastarstd::cout << i << "\n";
’s lambda may return a value, and
returns it when it completes. For
::future<seastar::sstring> read_file(sstring file_name) {
seastarreturn seastar::async([file_name] () { // lambda executed in a thread
= seastar::open_file_dma(file_name).get(); // get() call "blocks"
file f auto buf = f.dma_read(0, 512).get(); // "block" again
return seastar::sstring(buf.get(), buf.size());
While seastar::thread
s and seastar::async()
make programming more convenient, they also add overhead beyond that of
programming directly with continuations. Most notably, each
requires additional memory for its stack.
It is therefore not a good idea to use a seastar::thread
handle a highly concurrent operation. For example, if you need to handle
10,000 concurrent requests, do not use a seastar::thread
handle each — use futures and continuations. But if you are writing code
where you know that only a few instances will ever run concurrently,
e.g., a background cleanup operation in your application,
is a good match.
is also great for code which doesn’t care
about performance — such as test code.