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seastar::scollectd Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

Implementation of rudimentary collectd data gathering.

Usage is hopefully straight forward. Though, feel free to read for an explanation on the naming model.

Typically, you'll add values something like:

            scollectd::type_instance_id typ("<pluginname>", "<instance_name>", "<type_name>", "<instance_name>");
    scollectd::add_polled_metric(typ, [<metric var> | scollectd::make_typed(<data_type>, <metric_var>) [, ...]);

Where <pluginname> would be the overall 'module', e.g. "cpu" <instance_name> -> optional distinguisher between plugin instances. For cpu, the built-in scollectd::per_cpu_plugin_instance constant is a good choice, i.e. 0->N cpu. If there are no instances (e.g. only one), empty constant is appropriate (none) <type_name> is the 'type' of metric collected, for ex. "usage" (cpu/0/usage) <type_instance> is a distinguisher for metric parts of the type, e.g. "idle", "user", "kernel" -> cpu/0/usage/idle | cpu/0/usage/user | cpu/0/usage/kernel

Each type instance can bind an arbitrary number of values, ech representing some aspect in turn of the instance. The structure and interpretation is up to the producer/consumer

There is a single "scollectd" instance per cpu, and values should be bound locally to this cpu. Polling is done at a frequency set in the seastar config (def once per s), and all registered values will be sent via UDP packages to the destination host(s)

Note that the tuple { plugin, plugin_instance, type, type_instance } is considered a unique ID for a value registration, so using the same tuple twice will remove the previously registered values.

Values can be unregistered at any time, though they must be so on the same thread/cpu as they we're registered. The "registration" achor type provides RAII style value unregistration semantics.


struct  data_type_for
struct  data_type_for< T, std::enable_if_t< is_callable< T >::value, void > >
struct  data_type_for< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< T >, void > >
struct  data_type_for< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T > &&std::is_unsigned_v< T >, void > >
struct  data_type_for< typed< T > >
struct  is_callable
struct  is_callable< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_fundamental_v< T >, void > >
struct  is_callable< T, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_void_v< std::invoke_result_t< T > >, void > >
struct  options
class  percpu_plugin_instance_metrics
class  plugin_instance_metrics
struct  registration
class  registrations
class  type_instance_id
struct  typed
struct  typed_value
struct  typed_value_impl
class  value
class  value< typed< T > >
class  value_list
class  values_impl


using data_type = seastar::metrics::impl::data_type
using plugin_id = seastar::metrics::group_name_type
using plugin_instance_id = seastar::metrics::instance_id_type
using type_id = seastar::metrics::metric_type_def
using type_instance = seastar::metrics::metric_name_type
using description = seastar::metrics::description
typedef typed_value_impl< known_type::total_bytes > total_bytes
typedef typed_value_impl< known_type::total_connections > total_connections
typedef typed_value_impl< known_type::total_objects > total_objects
typedef typed_value_impl< known_type::total_operations > total_operations
typedef typed_value_impl< known_type::total_requests > total_requests
typedef typed_value_impl< known_type::total_sessions > total_sessions
typedef typed_value_impl< known_type::total_threads > total_threads
typedef typed_value_impl< known_type::total_time_in_ms > total_time_in_ms
typedef typed_value_impl< known_type::total_values > total_values
typedef typed_value_impl< known_type::queue_length > queue_length
typedef typed_value_impl< known_type::counter > counter
typedef typed_value_impl< known_type::count > count
typedef typed_value_impl< known_type::gauge > gauge
typedef std::function< void()> notify_function
using collectd_value = seastar::metrics::impl::metric_value


enum class  known_type {
  absolute , backends , bitrate , blocked_clients ,
  bytes , cache_eviction , cache_operation , cache_ratio ,
  cache_result , cache_size , capacity , changes_since_last_save ,
  charge , clock_last_meas , clock_last_update , clock_mode ,
  clock_reachability , clock_skew_ppm , clock_state , clock_stratum ,
  compression , compression_ratio , connections , conntrack ,
  contextswitch , count , counter , cpu ,
  cpufreq , current , current_connections , current_sessions ,
  delay , derive , df , df_complex ,
  df_inodes , disk_io_time , disk_latency , disk_merged ,
  disk_octets , disk_ops , disk_ops_complex , disk_time ,
  dns_answer , dns_notify , dns_octets , dns_opcode ,
  dns_qtype , dns_qtype_cached , dns_query , dns_question ,
  dns_rcode , dns_reject , dns_request , dns_resolver ,
  dns_response , dns_transfer , dns_update , dns_zops ,
  drbd_resource , duration , email_check , email_count ,
  email_size , entropy , evicted_keys , expired_keys ,
  fanspeed , file_handles , file_size , files ,
  flow , fork_rate , frequency , frequency_error ,
  frequency_offset , fscache_stat , gauge , hash_collisions ,
  http_request_methods , http_requests , http_response_codes , humidity ,
  if_collisions , if_dropped , if_errors , if_multicast ,
  if_octets , if_packets , if_rx_errors , if_rx_octets ,
  if_tx_errors , if_tx_octets , invocations , io_octets ,
  io_packets , ipt_bytes , ipt_packets , irq ,
  latency , links , load , md_disks ,
  memory , memory_lua , memory_throttle_count , multimeter ,
  mutex_operations , objects , operations , packets ,
  pending_operations , percent , percent_bytes , percent_inodes ,
  ping , ping_droprate , ping_stddev , players ,
  power , pressure , protocol_counter , pubsub ,
  queue_length , records , requests , response_code ,
  response_time , root_delay , root_dispersion , route_etx ,
  route_metric , routes , segments , serial_octets ,
  signal_noise , signal_power , signal_quality , snr ,
  spl , swap , swap_io , tcp_connections ,
  temperature , threads , time_dispersion , time_offset ,
  time_offset_ntp , time_offset_rms , time_ref , timeleft ,
  total_bytes , total_connections , total_objects , total_operations ,
  total_requests , total_sessions , total_threads , total_time_in_ms ,
  total_values , uptime , users , vcl ,
  vcpu , virt_cpu_total , virt_vcpu , vmpage_action ,
  vmpage_faults , vmpage_io , vmpage_number , volatile_changes ,
  voltage , voltage_threshold , vs_memory , vs_processes ,


template<typename T >
typed< T > make_typed (data_type type, T &&t)
type_id type_id_for (known_type)
void configure (const options &)
void remove_polled_metric (const type_instance_id &)
void add_polled (const type_instance_id &, const shared_ptr< value_list > &, bool enabled=true)
template<typename... _Args>
static auto make_type_instance (description d, _Args &&... args) -> values_impl< decltype(value< _Args >(std::forward< _Args >(args)))... >
template<typename ... _Args>
static type_instance_id add_polled_metric (const plugin_id &plugin, const plugin_instance_id &plugin_instance, const type_id &type, const scollectd::type_instance &type_instance, _Args &&... args)
template<typename ... _Args>
static type_instance_id add_polled_metric (const plugin_id &plugin, const plugin_instance_id &plugin_instance, const type_id &type, const scollectd::type_instance &type_instance, description d, _Args &&... args)
template<typename ... _Args>
static future send_explicit_metric (const plugin_id &plugin, const plugin_instance_id &plugin_instance, const type_id &type, const scollectd::type_instance &type_instance, _Args &&... args)
template<typename ... _Args>
static notify_function create_explicit_metric (const plugin_id &plugin, const plugin_instance_id &plugin_instance, const type_id &type, const scollectd::type_instance &type_instance, _Args &&... args)
seastar::metrics::impl::metric_id to_metrics_id (const type_instance_id &id)
template<typename Arg >
static type_instance_id add_polled_metric (const type_instance_id &id, description d, Arg &&arg, bool enabled=true)
template<typename Arg >
static type_instance_id add_polled_metric (const type_instance_id &id, Arg &&arg)
template<typename Args >
static type_instance_id add_disabled_polled_metric (const type_instance_id &id, description d, Args &&arg)
template<typename Args >
static type_instance_id add_disabled_polled_metric (const type_instance_id &id, Args &&args)
template<typename ... Args>
static type_instance_id add_disabled_polled_metric (const type_instance_id &id, Args &&... args)
template<typename ... _Args>
static future send_explicit_metric (const type_instance_id &id, _Args &&... args)
template<typename ... _Args>
static notify_function create_explicit_metric (const type_instance_id &id, _Args &&... args)
future send_notification (const type_instance_id &id, const sstring &msg)
std::vector< collectd_valueget_collectd_value (const scollectd::type_instance_id &id)
std::vector< scollectd::type_instance_idget_collectd_ids ()
sstring get_collectd_description_str (const scollectd::type_instance_id &)
bool is_enabled (const scollectd::type_instance_id &id)
void enable (const scollectd::type_instance_id &id, bool enable)
metrics::impl::value_map get_value_map ()


seastar::logger logger
static constexpr unsigned max_collectd_field_text_len = 63
const plugin_instance_id per_cpu_plugin_instance

Class Documentation

◆ seastar::scollectd::is_callable

struct seastar::scollectd::is_callable

Typedef Documentation

◆ total_bytes

typedef typed_value_impl<known_type::total_bytes> seastar::scollectd::total_bytes
metrics registration should be done using the metrics layer

Some typedefs for common used types. Feel free to add.

Function Documentation

◆ add_disabled_polled_metric()

template<typename Args >
static type_instance_id seastar::scollectd::add_disabled_polled_metric ( const type_instance_id id,
description  d,
Args &&  arg 
metrics registration should be done using the metrics layer

◆ add_polled_metric() [1/4]

template<typename ... _Args>
static type_instance_id seastar::scollectd::add_polled_metric ( const plugin_id &  plugin,
const plugin_instance_id &  plugin_instance,
const type_id &  type,
const scollectd::type_instance &  type_instance,
_Args &&...  args 
metrics registration should be done using the metrics layer

◆ add_polled_metric() [2/4]

template<typename ... _Args>
static type_instance_id seastar::scollectd::add_polled_metric ( const plugin_id &  plugin,
const plugin_instance_id &  plugin_instance,
const type_id &  type,
const scollectd::type_instance &  type_instance,
description  d,
_Args &&...  args 
metrics registration should be done using the metrics layer

◆ add_polled_metric() [3/4]

template<typename Arg >
static type_instance_id seastar::scollectd::add_polled_metric ( const type_instance_id id,
Arg &&  arg 
metrics registration should be done using the metrics layer

◆ add_polled_metric() [4/4]

template<typename Arg >
static type_instance_id seastar::scollectd::add_polled_metric ( const type_instance_id id,
description  d,
Arg &&  arg,
bool  enabled = true 
metrics registration should be done using the metrics layer

◆ enable()

void seastar::scollectd::enable ( const scollectd::type_instance_id id,
bool  enable 

Enable or disable collectd metrics on local instance

id- the metric to enable or disable
enable- should the collectd metrics be enable or disable