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seastar::sharded< Service > Class Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<typename Service>
class seastar::sharded< Service >

Template helper to distribute a service across all logical cores.

The sharded template manages a sharded service, by creating a copy of the service on each logical core, providing mechanisms to communicate with each shard's copy, and a way to stop the service.

Template Parameters
Servicea class to be instantiated on each core. Must expose a stop() method that returns a future<>, to be called when the service is stopped.

#include <seastar/core/sharded.hh>

Public Member Functions

 sharded () noexcept
 sharded (const sharded &other)=delete
shardedoperator= (const sharded &other)=delete
 sharded (sharded &&other)=delete
shardedoperator= (sharded &&other)=delete
 ~sharded ()
 Destroyes a sharded object. Must not be in a started state.
template<typename... Args>
future start (Args &&... args) noexcept
template<typename... Args>
future start_single (Args &&... args) noexcept
future stop () noexcept
future invoke_on_all (smp_submit_to_options options, std::function< future<>(Service &)> func) noexcept
future invoke_on_all (std::function< future<>(Service &)> func) noexcept
template<typename Func , typename... Args>
requires std::invocable<Func, Service&, internal::sharded_unwrap_t<Args>...>
future invoke_on_all (smp_submit_to_options options, Func func, Args... args) noexcept
template<typename Func , typename... Args>
requires std::invocable<Func, Service&, internal::sharded_unwrap_t<Args>...>
future invoke_on_all (Func func, Args... args) noexcept
template<typename Func , typename... Args>
requires std::invocable<Func, Service&, Args...>
future invoke_on_others (smp_submit_to_options options, Func func, Args... args) noexcept
template<typename Func , typename... Args>
requires std::invocable<Func, Service&, Args...>
future invoke_on_others (Func func, Args... args) noexcept
template<typename Reducer , typename Func , typename... Args>
auto map_reduce (Reducer &&r, Func &&func, Args &&... args) -> typename reducer_traits< Reducer >::future_type
template<typename Reducer , typename Func , typename... Args>
auto map_reduce (Reducer &&r, Func &&func, Args &&... args) const -> typename reducer_traits< Reducer >::future_type
 The const version of map_reduce(Reducer&& r, Func&& func)
template<typename Mapper , typename Initial , typename Reduce >
future< Initial > map_reduce0 (Mapper map, Initial initial, Reduce reduce)
template<typename Mapper , typename Initial , typename Reduce >
future< Initial > map_reduce0 (Mapper map, Initial initial, Reduce reduce) const
 The const version of map_reduce0(Mapper map, Initial initial, Reduce reduce)
template<typename Mapper , typename Future = futurize_t<std::invoke_result_t<Mapper,Service&>>, typename return_type = decltype(internal::untuple(std::declval<typename Future::tuple_type>()))>
future< std::vector< return_type > > map (Mapper mapper)
template<typename Func , typename... Args, typename Ret = futurize_t<std::invoke_result_t<Func, Service&, Args...>>>
requires std::invocable<Func, Service&, Args&&...>
Ret invoke_on (unsigned id, smp_submit_to_options options, Func &&func, Args &&... args)
template<typename Func , typename... Args, typename Ret = futurize_t<std::invoke_result_t<Func, Service&, Args&&...>>>
requires std::invocable<Func, Service&, Args&&...>
Ret invoke_on (unsigned id, Func &&func, Args &&... args)
const Service & local () const noexcept
 Gets a reference to the local instance.
Service & local () noexcept
 Gets a reference to the local instance.
shared_ptr< Service > local_shared () noexcept
 Gets a shared pointer to the local instance.
bool local_is_initialized () const noexcept
 Checks whether the local instance has been initialized.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ sharded() [1/2]

template<typename Service >
seastar::sharded< Service >::sharded ( )

Constructs an empty sharded object. No instances of the service are created.

◆ sharded() [2/2]

template<typename Service >
seastar::sharded< Service >::sharded ( sharded< Service > &&  other)

Sharded object with T that inherits from peering_sharded_service cannot be moved safely, so disable move operations.

Member Function Documentation

◆ invoke_on() [1/2]

template<typename Service >
template<typename Func , typename... Args, typename Ret = futurize_t<std::invoke_result_t<Func, Service&, Args&&...>>>
requires std::invocable<Func, Service&, Args&&...>
Ret seastar::sharded< Service >::invoke_on ( unsigned  id,
Func &&  func,
Args &&...  args 

Invoke a callable on a specific instance of Service.

idshard id to call
funca callable with signature Value (Service&) or future<Value> (Service&) (for some Value type), or a pointer to a member function of Service
argsparameters to the callable
result of calling func(instance) on the designated instance

◆ invoke_on() [2/2]

template<typename Service >
template<typename Func , typename... Args, typename Ret = futurize_t<std::invoke_result_t<Func, Service&, Args...>>>
requires std::invocable<Func, Service&, Args&&...>
Ret seastar::sharded< Service >::invoke_on ( unsigned  id,
smp_submit_to_options  options,
Func &&  func,
Args &&...  args 

Invoke a callable on a specific instance of Service.

idshard id to call
optionsthe options to forward to the smp::submit_to() called behind the scenes.
funca callable with signature Value (Service&, Args...) or future<Value> (Service&, Args...) (for some Value type), or a pointer to a member function of Service
argsparameters to the callable; will be copied or moved. To pass by reference, use std::ref().
result of calling func(instance) on the designated instance

◆ invoke_on_all() [1/4]

template<typename Service >
template<typename Func , typename... Args>
requires std::invocable<Func, Service&, internal::sharded_unwrap_t<Args>...>
future seastar::sharded< Service >::invoke_on_all ( Func  func,
Args...  args 

Invoke a function on all instances of Service. The return value becomes ready when all instances have processed the message. Passes the default smp_submit_to_options to the smp::submit_to() called behind the scenes.

◆ invoke_on_all() [2/4]

template<typename Service >
requires std::invocable<Func, Service&, internal::sharded_unwrap_t<Args>...>
template<typename Func , typename... Args>
requires std::invocable<Func, Service&, internal::sharded_unwrap_t<Args>...>
future seastar::sharded< Service >::invoke_on_all ( smp_submit_to_options  options,
Func  func,
Args...  args 

Invoke a function on all instances of Service. The return value becomes ready when all instances have processed the message. The function can be a member pointer to function, a free function, or a functor. The first argument of the function will be a reference to the local service on the shard.

For a non-static pointer-to-member-function, the first argument becomes this, not the first declared parameter.

optionsthe options to forward to the smp::submit_to() called behind the scenes.
funcinvocable accepting a Service& as the first parameter to be invoked on all shards
Future that becomes ready once all calls have completed

◆ invoke_on_all() [3/4]

template<typename Service >
future seastar::sharded< Service >::invoke_on_all ( smp_submit_to_options  options,
std::function< future<>(Service &)>  func 

Invoke a type-erased function on all instances of Service. The return value becomes ready when all instances have processed the message.

optionsthe options to forward to the smp::submit_to() called behind the scenes.
funcFunction to be invoked on all shards
Future that becomes ready once all calls have completed

◆ invoke_on_all() [4/4]

template<typename Service >
future seastar::sharded< Service >::invoke_on_all ( std::function< future<>(Service &)>  func)

Invoke a type-erased function on all instances of Service. The return value becomes ready when all instances have processed the message. Passes the default smp_submit_to_options to the smp::submit_to() called behind the scenes.

◆ invoke_on_others() [1/2]

template<typename Service >
template<typename Func , typename... Args>
requires std::invocable<Func, Service&, Args...>
future seastar::sharded< Service >::invoke_on_others ( Func  func,
Args...  args 

Invoke a callable on all instances of Service except the instance which is allocated on current shard.

funca callable with the signature void (Service&) or future<> (Service&), to be called on each core with the local instance as an argument.
a future<> that becomes ready when all cores but the current one have processed the message.

Passes the default smp_submit_to_options to the smp::submit_to() called behind the scenes.

◆ invoke_on_others() [2/2]

template<typename Service >
requires std::invocable<Func, Service&, Args...>
template<typename Func , typename... Args>
requires std::invocable<Func, Service&, Args...>
future seastar::sharded< Service >::invoke_on_others ( smp_submit_to_options  options,
Func  func,
Args...  args 

Invoke a callable on all instances of Service except the instance which is allocated on current shard.

optionsthe options to forward to the smp::submit_to() called behind the scenes.
funca callable with the signature void (Service&) or future<> (Service&), to be called on each core with the local instance as an argument.
a future<> that becomes ready when all cores but the current one have processed the message.

◆ map()

template<typename Service >
template<typename Mapper , typename Future = futurize_t<std::invoke_result_t<Mapper,Service&>>, typename return_type = decltype(internal::untuple(std::declval<typename Future::tuple_type>()))>
future< std::vector< return_type > > seastar::sharded< Service >::map ( Mapper  mapper)

Applies a map function to all shards, and return a vector of the result.

mappercallable with the signature Value (Service&) or future<Value> (Service&) (for some Value type).

Each map invocation runs on the shard associated with the service.

Template Parameters
Mapperunary function taking Service& and producing some result.
Result vector of invoking map with each instance in parallel

◆ map_reduce()

template<typename Service >
template<typename Reducer , typename Func , typename... Args>
auto seastar::sharded< Service >::map_reduce ( Reducer &&  r,
Func &&  func,
Args &&...  args 
) -> typename reducer_traits<Reducer>::future_type

Invoke a callable on all instances of Service and reduce the results using Reducer.

See also
map_reduce(Iterator begin, Iterator end, Mapper&& mapper, Reducer&& r)

◆ map_reduce0()

template<typename Service >
template<typename Mapper , typename Initial , typename Reduce >
future< Initial > seastar::sharded< Service >::map_reduce0 ( Mapper  map,
Initial  initial,
Reduce  reduce 

Applies a map function to all shards, then reduces the output by calling a reducer function.

mapcallable with the signature Value (Service&) or future<Value> (Service&) (for some Value type). used as the second input to reduce
initialinitial value used as the first input to reduce.
reducebinary function used to left-fold the return values of map into initial .

Each map invocation runs on the shard associated with the service.

Template Parameters
Mapperunary function taking Service& and producing some result.
Initialany value type
Reducea binary function taking two Initial values and returning an Initial
Result of invoking map with each instance in parallel, reduced by calling reduce() on each adjacent pair of results.

◆ start()

template<typename Service >
template<typename... Args>
future seastar::sharded< Service >::start ( Args &&...  args)

Starts Service by constructing an instance on every logical core with a copy of args passed to the constructor.

argsArguments to be forwarded to Service constructor
a seastar::future<> that becomes ready when all instances have been constructed.

◆ start_single()

template<typename Service >
template<typename... Args>
future seastar::sharded< Service >::start_single ( Args &&...  args)

Starts Service by constructing an instance on a single logical core with a copy of args passed to the constructor.

argsArguments to be forwarded to Service constructor
a seastar::future<> that becomes ready when the instance has been constructed.

◆ stop()

template<typename Service >
future seastar::sharded< Service >::stop

Stops all started instances and destroys them.

For every started instance, its stop() method is called, and then it is destroyed.

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