High performance C++ framework for concurrent servers
Classes | Functions

Detailed Description

Seastar provides a simple networking API, backed by two TCP/IP stacks: the POSIX stack, utilizing the kernel's BSD socket APIs, and the native stack, implement fully within seastar and able to drive network cards directly. The native stack supports zero-copy on both transmit and receive, and is implemented using seastar's high performance, lockless sharded design. The network stack can be selected with the --network-stack command-line parameter.


struct  seastar::connected_socket_input_stream_config
struct  seastar::session_dn
 Distinguished name. More...
class  seastar::connected_socket
class  seastar::socket
struct  seastar::accept_result
 The result of an server_socket::accept() call. More...
class  seastar::server_socket
 A listening socket, waiting to accept incoming network connections. More...


server_socket seastar::listen (socket_address sa)
server_socket seastar::listen (socket_address sa, listen_options opts)
future< connected_socketseastar::connect (socket_address sa)
future< connected_socketseastar::connect (socket_address sa, socket_address local, transport proto)
socket seastar::make_socket ()
net::udp_channel seastar::make_udp_channel ()
net::udp_channel seastar::make_udp_channel (const socket_address &local)
net::datagram_channel seastar::make_unbound_datagram_channel (sa_family_t family)
net::datagram_channel seastar::make_bound_datagram_channel (const socket_address &local)

Class Documentation

◆ seastar::connected_socket_input_stream_config

struct seastar::connected_socket_input_stream_config
Class Members
unsigned buffer_size Initial buffer size to use for input buffering.
unsigned max_buffer_size

Maximum buffer size to use for input buffering. The system will increase buffer sizes if it sees a tendency towards large requests, but will not go above this buffer size.

unsigned min_buffer_size

Minimum buffer size to use for input buffering. The system will decrease buffer sizes if it sees a tendency towards small requests, but will not go below this buffer size.

◆ seastar::session_dn

struct seastar::session_dn
Class Members
sstring issuer
sstring subject

◆ seastar::accept_result

struct seastar::accept_result
Class Members
connected_socket connection The newly-accepted connection.
socket_address remote_address The address of the peer that connected to us.

Function Documentation

◆ connect() [1/2]

future< connected_socket > seastar::connect ( socket_address  sa)

Establishes a connection to a given address

Attempts to connect to the given address.

sasocket address to connect to
a connected_socket object, or an exception

◆ connect() [2/2]

future< connected_socket > seastar::connect ( socket_address  sa,
socket_address  local,
transport  proto 

Establishes a connection to a given address

Attempts to connect to the given address with a defined local endpoint

sasocket address to connect to
localsocket address for local endpoint
prototransport protocol (TCP or SCTP)
a connected_socket object, or an exception

◆ listen() [1/2]

server_socket seastar::listen ( socket_address  sa)

Listen for connections on a given port

Starts listening on a given address for incoming connections.

sasocket address to listen on
server_socket object ready to accept connections.
See also
listen(socket_address sa, listen_options opts)

◆ listen() [2/2]

server_socket seastar::listen ( socket_address  sa,
listen_options  opts 

Listen for connections on a given port

Starts listening on a given address for incoming connections.

sasocket address to listen on
optsoptions controlling the listen operation
server_socket object ready to accept connections.
See also
listen(socket_address sa)

◆ make_bound_datagram_channel()

net::datagram_channel seastar::make_bound_datagram_channel ( const socket_address local)

Creates a datagram_channel object suitable for sending and receiving datagrams to/from destinations that belong to the provided address family. Supported address families: AF_INET, AF_INET6 and AF_UNIX.

locallocal address to bind to
a net::datagram_channel object for sending/receiving datagrams in a specified address family.

◆ make_socket()

socket seastar::make_socket ( )

Creates a socket object suitable for establishing stream-oriented connections

a socket object that can be used for establishing connections

◆ make_udp_channel() [1/2]

net::udp_channel seastar::make_udp_channel ( )

Creates a udp_channel object suitable for sending UDP packets

The channel is not bound to a local address, and thus can only be used for sending.

a net::udp_channel object that can be used for UDP transfers.

◆ make_udp_channel() [2/2]

net::udp_channel seastar::make_udp_channel ( const socket_address local)

Creates a udp_channel object suitable for sending and receiving UDP packets

locallocal address to bind to
a net::udp_channel object that can be used for UDP transfers.

◆ make_unbound_datagram_channel()

net::datagram_channel seastar::make_unbound_datagram_channel ( sa_family_t  family)

Creates a datagram_channel object suitable for sending datagrams to destinations that belong to the provided address family. Supported address families: AF_INET, AF_INET6 and AF_UNIX.

Setting family to AF_INET or AF_INET6 creates a datagram_channel that uses UDP protocol. AF_UNIX creates a datagram_channel that uses UNIX domain sockets.

The channel is not bound to a local address, and thus can only be used for sending.

familyaddress family in which the datagram_channel will operate
a net::datagram_channel object for sending datagrams in a specified address family.