Nimpl | Holds the implementation parts of the metrics layer, do not use directly |
►Nseastar | Seastar API namespace |
►Nalien | Integration with non-seastar applications |
Cinstance | |
Cmessage_queue | |
►Nlog_cli | Configure application logging at run-time with program options |
Coptions | Logging configuration |
►Nmemory | |
Calloc_failure_injector | |
Callocation_site | Describes an allocation location in the code |
Cdisable_failure_guard | |
Cmemory_layout | |
Cscoped_critical_alloc_section | |
Cscoped_heap_profiling | Enable heap profiling for the duration of the scope |
Cscoped_large_allocation_warning_disable | Disable large allocation warnings for a scope |
Cscoped_large_allocation_warning_threshold | Set a different large allocation warning threshold for a scope |
Cstatistics | Memory allocation statistics |
►Nmetrics | Metrics creation and registration |
Cdescription | Human-readable description of a metric/group |
Cdouble_registration | |
Chistogram | Histogram data type |
Chistogram_bucket | Histogram bucket type |
Clabel | Class that creates label instances |
Clabel_instance | Label a metrics |
Cmetric_definition | |
Cmetric_family_config | Metric_family_config allow changing metrics family configuration |
Cmetric_group | Hold a single metric group Initialization is done in the constructor or with a call to add_group |
Cmetric_group_definition | |
Cmetric_groups | Holds the metric definition |
Cmetric_relabeling_result | Result of metric relabeling |
Cnative_histogram_info | Native histogram specific information |
Coptions | Metrics configuration options |
Crelabel_config | Relabel_config allows changing metrics labels dynamically |
Crelabel_config_regex | Wrapper class around regex with the original expr |
►Nnet | |
Carp | |
Carp_error | |
Carp_for | |
Carp_for_protocol | |
Carp_queue_full_error | |
Carp_timeout_error | |
Cchecksummer | |
Cconfig_exception | |
►Cconntrack | |
Chandle | |
Cdatagram | |
Cdatagram_channel | |
Cdatagram_impl | |
Cdevice | |
Cdevice_config | |
►Cdhcp | |
Clease | |
►Cdns_resolver | |
Coptions | |
Cdpdk_options | DPDK configuration |
Ceth_hdr | |
Cethernet | |
Cethernet_address | |
Cforward_hash | |
Cfragment | |
Chostent | |
Chw_config | |
Chw_features | |
Cicmp | |
Cicmp_hdr | |
Cinet_address | |
Cinterface | |
Cip_hdr | |
Cip_packet_filter | |
Cip_protocol | |
Cipv4 | |
Cipv4_address | |
Cipv4_config | |
►Cipv4_frag_id | |
Chash | |
Cipv4_icmp | |
Cipv4_l4 | |
Cipv4_tag | |
Cipv4_tcp | |
►Cipv4_traits | |
Cl4packet | |
►Cipv4_udp | |
Cregistration | |
Cipv6_address | |
►Cl3_protocol | |
Cl3packet | |
►Cl4connid | |
Cconnid_hash | |
Cnative_stack_options | Native stack configuration |
Coffload_info | |
Cpacket | |
Cpacket_data_source | |
Cpacket_merger | |
Cposix_ap_network_stack | |
Cposix_ap_server_socket_impl | |
Cposix_data_sink_impl | |
Cposix_data_source_impl | |
Cposix_network_stack | |
Cposix_reuseport_server_socket_impl | |
Cposix_server_socket_impl | |
Cqp | |
Cqp_stats | |
Cqp_stats.rx | |
Cqp_stats.rx.bad | |
Cqp_stats.tx | |
Cqp_stats_good | |
Csctp_keepalive_params | |
Csrv_record | |
►Ctcp | |
Cconnection | |
Clistener | |
Ctcp_hdr | |
Ctcp_keepalive_params | |
►Ctcp_option | |
Ceol | |
Cmss | |
Cnop | |
Csack | |
Ctimestamps | |
Cwin_scale | |
Ctcp_seq | |
Ctcp_tag | |
Cudp_channel_state | |
Cudp_hdr | |
Cunknown_host | |
Cvirtio_options | Virtio configuration |
►Nscollectd | |
Cdata_type_for | |
Cdata_type_for< T, std::enable_if_t< is_callable< T >::value, void > > | |
Cdata_type_for< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< T >, void > > | |
Cdata_type_for< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T > &&std::is_unsigned_v< T >, void > > | |
Cdata_type_for< typed< T > > | |
Cis_callable | |
Cis_callable< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_fundamental_v< T >, void > > | |
Cis_callable< T, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_void_v< std::invoke_result_t< T > >, void > > | |
Coptions | |
Cpercpu_plugin_instance_metrics | |
Cplugin_instance_metrics | |
Cregistration | |
Cregistrations | |
Ctype_instance_id | |
Ctyped | |
Ctyped_value | |
Ctyped_value_impl | |
►Cvalue | |
Cwrap | |
Cvalue< typed< T > > | |
Cvalue_list | |
Cvalues_impl | |
►Ntls | |
Cabstract_credentials | |
Ccertificate_credentials | |
Ccredentials_builder | |
Cdh_params | |
Creloadable_credentials | |
Cserver_credentials | |
Csubject_alt_name | |
Ctls_options | TLS configuration options |
Cverification_error | |
Cx509_cert | |
Cabort_on_expiry | |
Cabort_requested_exception | |
►Cabort_source | |
Csubscription | |
Caccept_result | The result of an server_socket::accept() call |
Cadder | |
Carray_map | |
Casync_sharded_service | |
Cbasic_rwlock | |
Cbasic_semaphore | Counted resource guard |
►Cbasic_sstring | |
Cinitialized_later | |
Cbool_class | Type-safe boolean |
Cbroken_condition_variable | |
Cbroken_named_semaphore | |
Cbroken_pipe_exception | |
Cbroken_promise | Exception type for broken promises |
Cbroken_semaphore | |
Ccancelled_error | An exception Cancelled IOs resolve their future into (see io_intent) |
Cchecked_ptr | Seastar::checked_ptr class is a wrapper class that may be used with any pointer type (smart like std::unique_ptr or raw pointers like int*) |
Cchecked_ptr_is_null_exception | The exception thrown by a default_null_deref_action |
Cchunked_fifo | |
Ccircular_buffer | |
►Ccircular_buffer_fixed_capacity | |
Ccbiterator | |
Cconcrete_execution_stage | Concrete execution stage class |
Ccondition_variable | Conditional variable |
Ccondition_variable_timed_out | |
Cconnected_socket | |
Cconnected_socket_input_stream_config | |
Cconsumption_result | |
Ccontinue_consuming | |
Cdata_sink | |
Cdata_sink_impl | |
Cdata_source | |
Cdata_source_impl | |
Cdefault_null_deref_action | Default not engaged seastar::checked_ptr dereferencing action (functor) |
Cdefault_timeout_exception_factory | |
Cdeferred_action | |
Cdeferred_close | |
Cdeferred_stop | |
Cdeleter | |
Cdirectory_entry | A directory entry being listed |
Cdummy_expiry | |
Cenable_lw_shared_from_this | |
Cenable_shared_from_this | |
Cenum_hash | |
Cexception_future_marker | |
►Cexecution_stage | Base execution stage class |
Cstats | |
Cexpiring_fifo | |
►Cfair_group | Group of queues class |
Cconfig | |
►Cfair_queue | Fair queuing class |
Cconfig | Fair Queue configuration structure |
Cfair_queue_entry | |
Cfair_queue_ticket | Describes a request that passes through the fair_queue |
►Cfile | |
Ceof_error | |
Cfile_desc | |
Cfile_handle | A shard-transportable handle to a file |
Cfile_handle_impl | |
Cfile_impl | |
Cfile_input_stream_history | |
Cfile_input_stream_options | Data structure describing options for opening a file input stream |
Cfile_open_options | |
Cfile_output_stream_options | |
Cfollow_symlink_tag | |
Cforeign_ptr | |
Cfragmented_memory_input_stream | |
Cfragmented_memory_output_stream | |
Cframe | |
Cfree_deleter | |
Cfunction_input_iterator | |
Cfunction_traits | |
Cfunction_traits< Ret(*)(Args...) noexcept > | |
Cfunction_traits< Ret(*)(Args...)> | |
►Cfunction_traits< Ret(Args...)> | |
Carg | |
Cfunction_traits< Ret(T::*)(Args...) const > | |
Cfunction_traits< Ret(T::*)(Args...) const noexcept > | |
Cfunction_traits< Ret(T::*)(Args...) noexcept > | |
Cfunction_traits< Ret(T::*)(Args...)> | |
Cfunction_traits< T & > | |
►Cfuture | A representation of a possibly not-yet-computed value |
Cfinally_body | |
Cfinally_body< Func, false > | |
Cfinally_body< Func, true > | |
Cfuture_for_get_promise_marker | |
►Cfuture_state_base | |
Cany | |
Ccurrent_exception_future_marker | |
Cnested_exception_marker | |
Cfuturize | Converts a type to a future type, if it isn't already |
►Cgate | |
Cholder | |
Cgate_closed_exception | |
Cgroup_details | Group details from the system group database |
Cindirect_equal_to | |
Cindirect_hash | |
Cindirect_less | |
Cinheriting_concrete_execution_stage | Concrete execution stage class, with support for automatic scheduling_group inheritance |
►Cinheriting_execution_stage | Base class for execution stages with support for automatic scheduling_group inheritance |
Cper_scheduling_group_stats | |
Cinput_stream | |
Cio_completion | |
Cio_group | |
Cio_intent | |
►Cio_queue | |
Cconfig | |
Crequest_limits | |
Cipv4_addr | |
Cipv6_addr | |
Cis_future | Check whether a type is a future |
Cis_smart_ptr | |
Cis_smart_ptr< foreign_ptr< T > > | |
Cis_smart_ptr< lw_shared_ptr< T > > | |
Cis_smart_ptr< shared_ptr< T > > | |
Cis_smart_ptr< std::unique_ptr< T > > | |
Ckernel_completion | |
Clambda_task | |
Clayered_file_impl | |
Clazy_deref_wrapper | This struct is a wrapper for lazy dereferencing a pointer |
Clazy_eval | This class is a wrapper for a lazy evaluation of a value |
Clisten_options | |
Clowres_clock | Low-resolution and efficient steady clock |
Clowres_system_clock | Low-resolution and efficient system clock |
►Clw_shared_ptr | |
Cdisposer | |
Clw_shared_ptr_counter_base | |
Clw_shared_ptr_deleter | |
Clw_shared_ptr_no_esft | |
Cmanual_clock | |
Cmeasuring_output_stream | |
Cmemory_input_stream | |
Cmemory_output_stream | |
Cmmap_deleter | |
Cnamed_semaphore_aborted | |
Cnamed_semaphore_exception_factory | |
Cnamed_semaphore_timed_out | |
Cnested_exception | |
Cnetwork_interface | |
Cnetwork_stack | |
Cnetwork_stack_entry | |
Cno_sharded_instance_exception | Exception thrown when a sharded object does not exist |
Cnoncopyable_function | |
Cnoncopyable_function< Ret(Args...) noexcept(Noexcept)> | |
Coptimized_optional | |
Coutput_stream | |
Coutput_stream_options | |
Cpeering_sharded_service | Provide a sharded service with access to its peers |
Cpipe | A fixed-size pipe for communicating between two fibers |
Cpipe_reader | Read side of a seastar::pipe |
Cpipe_writer | Write side of a seastar::pipe |
Cpollable_fd | |
►Cpollable_fd_state | |
Cspeculation | |
Cpollfn | |
►Cposix_thread | |
►Cattr | |
Cstack_size | |
Cprefetcher | |
Cprefetcher< 0, RW, LOC > | |
Cpromise | Promise - allows a future value to be made available at a later time |
Cpromise_expiry | |
Cqueue | |
Cragel_parser_base | |
►Creactor | |
Cio_stats | |
Csched_stats | Scheduling statistics |
Ctest | |
Creactor_options | Configuration for the reactor |
Creadable_eventfd | |
Cready_future_marker | |
Creference_wrapper | |
Cscattered_message | |
Cscheduling_group | Identifies function calls that are accounted as a group |
Cscheduling_group_key | |
Cscheduling_group_key_config | |
Csemaphore_aborted | |
Csemaphore_default_exception_factory | |
Csemaphore_timed_out | |
Csemaphore_units | |
Cserver_socket | A listening socket, waiting to accept incoming network connections |
Csession_dn | Distinguished name |
Csharded | |
Csharded_parameter | Helper to pass a parameter to a sharded<> object that depends on the shard. It is evaluated on the shard, just before being passed to the local instance. It is useful when passing parameters to sharded::start() |
Cshared_future | Like future except the result can be waited for by many fibers |
Cshared_mutex | Shared/exclusive mutual exclusion |
Cshared_object | |
Cshared_promise | Like promise except that its counterpart is shared_future instead of future |
►Cshared_ptr | |
Cmake_helper | |
Cshared_ptr_count_base | |
Cshared_ptr_count_for | |
Cshared_ptr_make_helper | |
Cshared_ptr_make_helper< T, false > | |
Cshared_ptr_make_helper< T, true > | |
Csimple_backtrace | |
Csimple_memory_input_stream | |
Csimple_memory_output_stream | |
Csimple_pollfn | |
Cskip_bytes | |
Cslab_allocator | |
Cslab_class | |
Cslab_item_base | |
Cslab_page_desc | |
Csleep_aborted | Exception that is thrown when application is in process of been stopped |
Csmp | |
Csmp_message_queue | |
Csmp_options | Configuration for the multicore aspect of seastar |
Csmp_service_group | |
Csmp_service_group_config | |
Csmp_submit_to_options | Options controlling the behaviour of smp::submit_to() |
Csocket | |
Csocket_address | |
Csocket_address.u | !< actual size of the relevant 'u' member |
►Csstring_builder | |
Cguard | |
Cstat_data | Filesystem object stat information |
Cstatistics | |
Cstop_consuming | |
Cstop_iteration_tag | |
Cstream | |
Csubscription | |
Ctask | |
Ctask_entry | |
Ctasktrace | |
Ctemporary_buffer | |
Cthread | Thread - stateful thread of execution |
Cthread_attributes | Class that holds attributes controling the behavior of a thread |
Cthread_cputime_clock | |
Ctimed_out_error | |
Ctimer | |
Ctimer_set | |
Ctmp_dir | |
Ctmp_file | |
Ctransform_iterator | |
Ctuple_map_types | |
Ctuple_map_types< MapClass, std::tuple< Elements... > > | |
Cunaligned | |
Cunix_domain_addr | |
Cunread_overflow_exception | |
Cusecfmt_wrapper | |
Cvector_data_sink | |
Cweak_ptr | |
Cweakly_referencable | |
Cwhen_any_result | |
Cwith_clock | Changes the clock used by shared_future<> and shared_promise<> when passed as the first template parameter |
Cwriteable_eventfd | |
RFuture | |
RCanInvoke | |
RCanApplyTuple | |
RInvokeReturnsAnyFuture | |
RInputStreamConsumer | |
RObsoleteInputStreamConsumer | |
Rcloseable | |
Rstoppable | |
ROptimizableOptional | |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Ccoroutine_traits< seastar::future< T >, Args... > | |
Chash< seastar::basic_sstring< char_type, size_type, max_size, NulTerminate > > | |
Chash< seastar::checked_ptr< T > > | Std::hash specialization for seastar::checked_ptr class |
Chash< seastar::ipv4_addr > | |
Chash< seastar::lw_shared_ptr< T > > | |
Chash< seastar::memory::allocation_site > | |
Chash< seastar::metrics::impl::labels_type > | |
Chash< seastar::metrics::impl::metric_id > | |
Chash< seastar::net::inet_address > | |
Chash< seastar::net::ipv4_address > | |
Chash< seastar::net::ipv6_address > | |
Chash< seastar::rpc::connection_id > | |
Chash< seastar::rpc::streaming_domain_type > | |
Chash< seastar::scheduling_group > | |
Chash< seastar::shared_ptr< T > > | |
Chash< seastar::simple_backtrace > | |
Chash< seastar::socket_address > | |
Chash< seastar::tasktrace > | |
Chash< seastar::transport > | |
Chash< seastar::unix_domain_addr > | |
Chash<::sockaddr_in > | |
Chash<::sockaddr_un > | |
Ctuple_element< I, seastar::rpc::tuple< T... > > | |
Ctuple_size< seastar::rpc::tuple< T... > > | |